
Postajanje tovarišev v boju: umetnost in skrb za nečloveški svet ter partizanska subjektivnost v jugoslovanskem narodnoosvobodilnem boju

The journal Anthropos: Journal of Philosophy & Psychology has published an article by Gal Kirn titled “Becoming Comrades in Struggle: Art and Care for Non-Human World and Partisan Subjectivity in the Yugoslav People’s Liberation Struggle”. While ecology is often not associated with the political ruptures and issues of WWII, this does not preclude an exploration…

The journal Anthropos: Journal of Philosophy & Psychology has published an article by Gal Kirn titled "Becoming Comrades in Struggle: Art and Care for Non-Human World and Partisan Subjectivity in the Yugoslav People's Liberation Struggle". While ecology is often not associated with the political ruptures and issues of WWII, this does not preclude an exploration of partisan ecology - specifically, the ecological dimensions of the Yugoslav partisan struggle (Narodnoosvobodilni boj - NOB). 

As Kirn states, "the thesis of the article argues that the partisan movement, in contrast to the fascist occupation and domination over people and nature, sought to build solidarity between partisans and animals/nature." Where did the partisans hide and seek refuge from the occupying forces? In this historical context, the forest emerged as a site of resistance, offering both protection and the promise of liberation. However, the partisans were not alone in the forest; they coexisted with various animals, from a pack of wolves to chirping birds, resilient snail, and even burnt trees. The article frames this coalition of Earthly creatures in proximity with Deleuze and Guattari's concept of becoming a human animal.

To discover the article's concluding reflections, you will need to click and read it for yourself.

You can find the article in Anthropos 56(1) and/or read it online. Please note that the article is in Slovene. However, this special issue on Rememorizations of Memory is available in open access, with most other articles published in English.

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