
MEMPOP Loading: Regional Perspectives on Memory, Popular Culture and Cultural Studies

On June 6-7, 2024, the Faculty of Social Sciences UL (room FDV23) will host the “MEMPOP Loading: Regional Perspectives on Popular Culture, Memory, and Cultural Studies” international workshop. Organized as part of the 30th anniversary of the Department of Cultural Studies, the two-day event offers a platform for popular culture and collective memory researchers from…

On June 6-7, 2024, the Faculty of Social Sciences UL (room FDV23) will host the “MEMPOP Loading: Regional Perspectives on Popular Culture, Memory, and Cultural Studies” international workshop. Organized as part of the 30th anniversary of the Department of Cultural Studies, the two-day event offers a platform for popular culture and collective memory researchers from Central and Southeastern Europe to discuss their ongoing research on popular music, film, murals, and video games as mnemonic media embedded into complex configurations of people, technologies, policies, and markets. The workshop is also envisaged as an exchange of experiences, opinions, and practices related to research and education in Cultural Studies in Central and Southeastern Europe, and as an initiative to strengthen and enhance cross-border and regional collaboration.

The public programme of the MEMPOP Loading workshop is as follows:

Thursday, June 6, 2024

14:30-16:00 Music and Collective Memory Project Panel

Diana Grgurić: Evaluating the Memory Potentials of the Entertainment-Music Show ‘A Side’ on Croatian National Television

Jernej Kaluža: The Structure of Mainstream on Slovenian Radio

Robert Bobnič: Yugowave and Yugocore: (Post)nostalgic and (Post)ironic Remediation of Yugoslav Music and Culture

Moderated by Jasmina Šepetavc

16:30-18:00 Keynote Lecture

Irena Šentevska: Singing Belgrade: Urban Identity and the Music Video (Research and Methodology Presentation)

Moderated by Jernej Kaluža

Friday, June 7, 2024

11:30-13:30 Collective Memory, Film, and Visual Culture Project Panel

Vjeran Pavlaković: Mnemonic Murals of the Homeland War

Boris Ružić: Documentary as ‘Anti-Festival’? Aporias and Opportunities

Natalija Majsova and Jasmina Šepetavc: Strategizing Screened Memory from Sarajevo to Ljubljana 

Ana Dević and Peter Vermeersch: The Theatrics of National Commemoration versus the Dynamics of Citizen-led Commemorative Practices

Moderated by Robert Bobnič

14:30-16:00 MEMPOP Expanded Panel: Video Games and Memory

Jasmina Šepetavc: Bold Smugglers and DIY Heroes: Collective Memories and Erasures of Yugoslav Gaming Histories 

Mirt Komel: The Music of Nier: Song of the Ancients

Felix Schniz: The Collective / Genre / Memory of Video Games

Moderated by Maruška Nardoni

16:15-18:00 Mapping Regional Realities in Cultural Studies Across Central and Southeastern Europe. Round Table with an introduction by Peter Stanković, featuring Milena Dragičević Šešić, Katja Hrobat Virloget, Tanja Petrović, Aljoša Pužar, Boris Ružić, Rainer Winter, René Reinhold Schallegger.

Moderated by Aljoša Pužar and Natalija Majsova

The workshop is organized by the Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies and the Department of Cultural Studies (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana), and is co-funded by the research projects MEMPOP: Mnemonic Aesthetics and Practices in Popular Culture WEAVE research project (ARIS no. J7-50215), Slovenian Folk-Pop Music as Politics: Receptions, Perceptions, and Identities (ARIS no. J6-2582), and TECHNOPST: Remembering the Early Digital Age (ARIS no. N6-0302).

One response to “MEMPOP Loading: Regional Perspectives on Memory, Popular Culture and Cultural Studies”

  1. […] MEMPOP Loading: Regional Perspectives on Memory, Popular Culture and Cultural Studies two-day international workshop that took place on June 6-7, 2024 at the Faculty of Social Sciences, […]

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